Justice For was born out of the rage felt when Guiden learned of yet another Black life fallen prey to the hands of a police officer. In a whirlwind, he dove into mountains of news articles, video archives, and social media accounts to stitch together an arresting narrative that exposes a seemingly endless cycle of police violence against African Americans.
Cast: Kristen Alesia, Brandon Boler, Brian Bradford, Bernadette Carter, Ian Voltaire Deanes, Emily Demko, John Ham, Zia Hillocks, Raymond Jacquet, Rob Koon, Maeghan Looney, Neil O'Callaghan, Morayo Orija, Julian Otis, and Allison Ristaino
Director: Kanomé Jones
David Guiden is an actor based out of Chicago and this is his debut as a playwright. Chicago acting credits include Lifeline, UrbanTheatre Company and eta creative arts foundation. David was born and raised in Muncie, IN and is a proud graduate of Ball State University.